Dota Map v.6.72 New Hero Released
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Ancient Apparition
- Armor reduced from 4 to 2
- Base HP regeneration increased from 0.25 to 1
- Battle Hunger rescaled from 15/17/25/33 to 15/21/27/33 damage per second
Bane Elemental
- Brain Sap cooldown decreased from 16 to 14
- Fiend's Grip now gives vision of the target
- Enfeeble now reduces attack damage by a constant amount
Old Enfeeble:
Reduces attack damage by 40/60/80/100% of base damage
Manacost: 125
Cooldown: 15
New Enfeeble:
Reduces attack damage by 25/50/75/100
Manacost: 125
Cooldown: 12
Note: Previous was base damage only (it did not reduce bonus damage from items), this reduces total damage by a constant amount.
- Armor reduced by 1
- Greater Hawk's invisibility fade time decreased from 8 to 5 seconds
- Wild Axes now move at similar speed to the max range (so it isn't as slow for short range targeting)
- Added Aghanim's Scepter upgrade
Increases cast range from 600 to 950
Decreases cooldown from 80/75/70 to 45
Primal Roar Aghanim Ability Code: A289
- Bloodbath assist AoE increased from 200 to 225
Bounty Hunter
- Base HP regeneration increased from 0.25 to 0.75
- Jinada cooldown decreased from 15/12/9/6 to 12/10/8/6
- Warpath damage per stack increased from 4/8/12 to 10/15/20
Centaur Warchief
- Movement speed increased from 300 to 305
- Double Edge cooldown decreased from 12 to 10
- Hoof Stomp cooldown decreased from 15 to 13
Chaos Knight
- Base strength increased by 3
- Chaos Bolt damage improved from 1-200 to 1-200/50-225/75-250/100-275
- Chaos Bolt now has a floating text indicator for the damage done
- Test of Faith's secondary ability to teleport units is now a part of Holy Persuasion instead (377809)
Holy Persuasion: A28T
Clockwerk Goblin
- Armor reduced by 1
Crystal Maiden
- Freezing Field level 1 manacost decreased from 300 to 200
Dark Seer
- Wall of Replica illusion damage improved from 70% to 70/80/90%
- Added an Aghanim's Scepter upgrade (and visual effect) (339914)
Creates illusions of allied heroes as well as enemy heroes. Allied illusions deal 50% damage.
Wall of Replica Aghanim Ability Code: A21Q
Doom Bringer
- Doom's duration decreased from 14 to 13 seconds (Aghanim's Doom is still 14)
Dragon Knight
- Breathe Fire damage rescaled from 75/150/225/300 to 90/170/240/300
Drow Ranger
- Previous sight range nerf reverted (from 6.68)
- Echo Slam initial damage reduced from 165/230/285 to 160/210/270
- Aghanim's Impetus range bonus increased from +150 extra to +165
Faceless Void
- Base HP regeneration increased from 0.25 to 0.75
- Aghanim's upgraded Chronosphere cooldown decreased from 75 to 60
- Chronosphere now reveals Invisible units
- Chronosphere cast range improved from 500/550/600 to 600
- Time Walk slow affects all units along his path, instead of just at the destination
- Wrath of Nature bounce count improved from 12/14/16 (14/16/18 w/Scepter) to 16 (18/Scepter)
Guardian Wisp
- Base damage increased from 33-42 to 43-52
- Attack range increased from 525 to 575
- Tether movement speed bonus reduced from 15/20/25/30% to 20%
- Tether stun duration rebalanced from 1/1.25/1.5/1.75 to 0.75/1.25/1.75/2.25
- Spirits Oscillation subabilities no longer interrupt Wisp's movement
- Spirits now circle slightly faster when there are fewer alive
- Spirits no longer slow
- Spirits life duration increased by 3 seconds
- Spirits now spawn over 4 second interval instead of 6
Pull In: A24A
Pull Out: A24B
- Overcharge Reworked
Old Overcharge:
Grants bonus attack speed, drains 2.5% of his current HP and MP per second. If Io is tethered to an ally the bonus attack speed is also granted to that ally.
This is a toggle ability.
Attack Speed: 60/80/100/120
New Overcharge:
Grants bonus attack speed and damage reduction, drains 2.5% of his current HP and MP per second. If Io is tethered to an ally attack speed and damage reduction is also granted to that ally.
This is a toggle ability.
Attack Speed: 40/50/60/70
Damage Reduction: 5/10/15/20% [Reduces damage taken]
Overcharge Ability Code: A28Q (code change)
- Agility growth increased from 2.4 to 2.8
- Rocket Barrage cooldown rescaled from 6.5 to 7/6.5/6/5.5 seconds
- Added an Aghanim's Scepter upgrade (and visual effect)
Call Down now has a global cast range and the second rocket does 75 more damage.
Call Down Aghanim Ability Code: A235
- Burning Spears minimum HP requirement removed (it is still non-lethal)
- Life Break cast mechanism changed
It now has a 600 cast range and causes Huskar to quickly dash forward towards the target. You are magic immune while running forward. If you get interrupted, the dash stops.
- Icarus Dive cooldown decreased from 40 to 30
- Icarus Dive no longer makes Phoenix spell immune. If he is disabled during it, he stops
- Sun Ray no longer slows
- Sun Ray damage from 10/20/30/40 + 5% to 15/30/45/60 + 4%
- Sun Ray turn rate slightly improved
- Fire Spirits now trigger in the area around you and your target when you use Target Fire Spirits
The damage and heal from the two areas do not stack, you are only affected once
- No longer gets interrupted by casting orbs or invoke
Quas: A21W (code change)
Wex: A21X (code change)
Exort: A21V (code change)
Invoke: A21Y (code change)
Invoke Aghanim: A1GU (code change)
- Base damage reduced by 5
- Alacrity can now target mechanical units (1680)
- Alacrity manacost increased from 50 to 100
- Alacrity bonus damage & attack speed decreased from 30->90 to 20->80
- Cold Snap now requires a minimum of 10 damage before it triggers
- Ice Wall no longer affects magic immune units
- The Invoke combinations are now displayed in the ability tooltip
- Fixed some issues with how Invoke tracks your recently casted spells
It now always remembers the latest invoke spell even if it is one you already have. So if you have two and want to keep the oldest one, you can recast it and it will consider it the newest one.
- Macropyre AoE increased from 200 to 225
- Base HP regeneration increased from 0.25 to 0.75
- Blade Dance critical strike chance rescaled from 10/20/25/35% to 15/20/25/35%
- Ghost Ship stun increased from 1 to 1.2 seconds
- Tidebringer cooldown rescaled from 16/12/8/4 to 13/10/7/4
- Base HP regeneration increased from 0.25 to 0.75
- Witchcraft bonuses rescaled to be more straightforward
Old Witchcraft:
- Increases movement speed by 3/6/9/12%
- Decreases Carrion Swarm's mana cost by 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 and cooldown by 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 seconds.
- Decreases Silence's mana cost by 0 / 10 / 20 / 30 and cooldown by 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 seconds.
- Increases the number of level 1 Exorcism spirits by 1 / 2 / 3 / 4.
- Increases the number of level 2 Exorcism spirits by 1 / 3 / 4 / 6.
- Increases the number of level 3 Exorcism spirits by 0 / 2 / 4 / 7.
New Witchcraft:
- Increases movement speed by 3/6/9/12%
- Decreases Carrion Swarm and Silence cooldown by 1/2/3/4 seconds
- Decreases Carrion Swarm and Silence manacost by 10/15/20/25
- Creates 3/4/5/6 extra spirits
- Exorcism rebalanced from 5/10/16 to 4/10/18 spirits (from 9/16/23 to 10/16/24 with Witchcraft)
- Psi Blades width increased from 70 to 80
- Reincarnation now does a 700 AoE 3 second 30% slow around the area where he respawns
- Reincarnation delay decreased from 5/4.5/4 to 3 seconds
- Dark Ritual cooldown rescaled from 30/27/24/21 to 35/30/25/20
Lina Inverse
- Aghanim's Laguna Blade cast range increased from 600 to 900
Lone Druid
- Spirit Bear's Demolish decreased from 60% to 40% bonus damage versus buildings
Lord of Avernus
- Aphotic Shield cast range increased from 350 to 450
- Lunar Blessing rescaled from 8/16/24/32 to 14/20/26/32
- Wolves move speed increased from 400 to 400/420/440/460
- Wolves collision size reduced a bit
- Base attack time improved from 1.45 to 1.35
The hero's attack rate improves the lower the Base Attack Time is, this is a buff.
- Cast point reduced
- Empower cast range increased from 500 to 800
- Skewer's number of enemy units dragged rescaled from 2 to 1/2/3/4
- Added an Aghanim's Scepter upgrade
Creates an extra clone once the item is acquired. Please note that the item is undroppable once the clone is created.
Divided We Stand Aghanim Ability Code: A27C
- Armor reduced by 2
- Replicate now has a visual time (player only) that counts down its duration
- Morph now has a visual effect
Shows one visual effect for transforming agility, and another one for strength. This effect can be seen by both teams.
- Reworked Infest
Old Infest:
Naix infests a target, hiding in it.
Regains health based on the HP the unit has when he gets out of it
Level 1 Targets: Allied and Neutral Units
Level 2/3 Targets: Enemy, Allied and Neutral Units
HP Healed: Current Target HP (for level 1/2), Max Target HP (for level 3)
Cooldown: 100/60/30
Casting Range: 150
Manacost: 50
Note: This kills the infested unit.
New Infest:
Naix infests a target, hiding in it. When he comes out of a unit, he deals damage to all nearby enemy units.
Damage: 150/275/400
AOE: 700
Targets: Allied Heroes, Allied Creeps, Enemy Creeps (including neutrals)
If the unit is an enemy creep, Naix will devour it first, gaining health equal to the unit's current HP.
Cooldown: 100
Casting Range: 150
Manacost: 50
Naga Siren
- Base HP regeneration increased from 0.25 to 0.75
- Nearby Naga Siren illusions now play the Ensnare animation (98895)
Ensnare: A24D (code change)
- Critical Strike replaced with Rip Tide
Rip Tide:
Calls upon the power of the seas, creating an enchanted wave that deals damage and degrades enemy unit's armor for 8 seconds.
Damage: 130/160/190/220
Armor Reduction: 2/3/4/5
Duration: 8
AoE: 350
Distance: 600
Cooldown: 12
Manacost: 80/90/100/110
Rip Tide Ability Code: A23Y (replaces Critical Strike)
- Song of the Siren reworked
Old Song of the Siren:
Sleeps all enemy units in range. Slept units are invulnerable until the end of the spell.
Duration: 6/7/8
AoE: 1000/1500/2000
Cooldown: 120
Manacost: 200
Song of the Siren:
Releases a melody around you the puts enemy units to sleep while they are in your range. Units wake up if you leave the area or the duration of the melody runs out. Slithice can choose to end the melody at any point.
AoE: 750 (units have to be continuously under the song to be slept)
Duration: 6
Cooldown: 180/120/60
Manacost: 100
Note: Ends when duration ends, units go out of range or Naga Siren dies. Affects buildings.
End Song Sub-Ability Code: A24E
- Reaper's Scythe reworked slightly
The HP difference calculation is now processed after the stun duration is over, so any damage you do in between the start of the effect and the end is included in the final damage dealt. The stun duration is now reduced from 1.5 to 1 second.
Nerubian Weaver
- Armor reduced by 1
- The Swarm damage rescaled from 21/24/27/30 to 15/20/25/30
- Hunter in the Night movement bonus rescaled from 15/20/30/35 to 20/25/30/35%
- Hunter in the Night attack speed bonus rescaled from 20/35/55/75 to 30/45/60/75
Obsidian Destroyer
- Intelligence growth increased from 2.8 to 3.3
- Purification cast range increased from 400 to 400/500/600/700
Pandaren Brewmaster
- Drunken Haze duration increased from 7 to 8 seconds
- Primal Split Earth panda now carries the hero's auras around him
If you are carrying Radiance or Assault Cuirass, for example, the area around your panda is affected.
Pit Lord
- Model size slightly reduced
- Cast Point decreased from 0.75 to 0.60
- Dark Rift level 1 can now target units
- Expulsion reworked slightly
- Expulsion AoE now follows you around and is centered on your hero
- Expulsion no longer ministuns
- Expulsion Search AOE increased from 475 to 600
- Expulsion Damage/Heal increased AOE from 375 to 600
- Expulsion now heals allies in the area it damages in (for half the amount 10/20/30/40)
Expulsion Ability Code: A288 (code change)
- Pit of Malice duration decreased from 1.5/2/2.5/3 to 1/1.5/2/2.5
- Pit of Malice now deals 100 damage when it affects a unit
- Pit of Malice now creates 5 corpses in the cast area
- Firestorm reworked
Old Firestorm:
Calls down 6 waves of fire that damage enemy units in an area. Each wave deals initial damage and then burns enemies for 2 seconds.
Number of waves: 6
Damage per wave: 25/40/55/70
DPS: 5/10/15/20 for 2 seconds
Cast Range: 750
AoE: 400
Cooldown: 14
Manacost: 100/110/120/130
New Firestorm:
Calls down 3 waves of fire that damage enemy units and structures in an area.
Number of waves: 3
Damage per wave: 55/80/105/130
DPS: 15 for 3 seconds
Deals 30% damage to buildings
Cast Range: 775
AoE: 450
Cooldown: 16
Manacost: 100/110/120/130
Firestorm Ability Code: A26O (code change)
- Base damage increased by 4
- Waning Rift silence duration rebalanced from 0.1/1/2/3 to 0.75/1.5/2.25/3 seconds (41433)
- Rot damage increased from 25/50/75/100 to 35/60/85/110
Queen of Pain
- Sonic Wave damage rescaled from 290/430/600 to 350/475/600
Sonic Wave: A28R (code change)
Sonic Wave Aghanim: A28S (code change)
- Base damage increased by 5
- Ether Shock target count rescaled from 3/4/6/7 to 1/3/5/7
- Ether Shock damage rescaled from 80/160/240/320 to 140/200/260/320
- Mass Serpent Wards are now automatically added to your unit selection upon cast (411025)
Issuing a command to the wards will NOT cause your hero to be interrupted while you are channeling Shackles.
- Armor reduced by 1
- Nature's Guise now gives the unit a 10% movement speed bonus
- Nature's Guise keeps the target invisible for up to 1 second after leaving the proximity of a tree, except during the initial cast
- Nature's Guise cooldown increased from 3 seconds to 10/8/6/4 seconds
- Overgrowth rebalanced
Old Overgrowth
Summons an overgrowth of damaging vines and branches. Prevents all nearby enemies from moving or attacking and deals damage to each.
Duration: 3/4/5
Cooldown: 160
Damage: 85 per second
AoE: 725
New Overgrowth
Summons an overgrowth of damaging vines and branches. Prevents all nearby enemies from moving or attacking and deals damage to each.
Duration: 3
Cooldown: 100/95/90
Damage: 70/100/130 per second
AoE: 725
- Living Armor Reworked
Living Armor:
Rooftrellen's presence infuses allied heroes and structures with a protective healing aura, increasing armor and regeneration. During the daytime, his power of nature is increased, causing the aura to extend globally.
AoE: 900 (Global during the day)
HP Regeneration: 2/3/4/5
Armor: 1/2/3/4
Living Armor: A26N (replaces old Living Armor)
- Forest Sentinel Replaced with Leech Seed
Leech Seed
Rooftrellen plants a life-sapping seed in his enemy, causing it to be slowed by 24% and have its life force drained over the next 3 seconds. Nearby allied units are healed by the same amount.
Slow: 24%
Damage: 30/45/60/75 per pulse (Magical damage type)
Allied Heal: 30/45/60/75 per pulse
Pulses: 4
AoE: 500
Manacost: 110/120/130/140
Cast Range: 350
Cooldown: 12
Leech Seed Ability Code: A24O (replaces Forest Sentinel)
Sand King
- Armor increased by 1
Shadow Priest
- Poison Touch damage increased from 7/14/21/28 to 8/16/24/32
Shadow Demon
- Disruption manacost increased from 75 to 120
- Disruption cooldown rescaled from 16 to 25/22/19/16
- Disruption illusion duration rescaled from 6 to 5/6/7/8
- Changed Shadow Demon's hero model
This was his original model during development. The previous model will be used for another hero instead.
- Movement speed increased from 290 to 300
- Curse of the Silent cast range decreased from 900 to 800
- Glaives of Wisdom cooldown from 2/0/0/0 to 0
- Last Word is now muted when Silencer is stunned (previously it was only when silenced)
- Last Word no longer triggers on Spell-Attacks (Frost Arrows, Burning Spears, etc)
- Last Word AoE decreased from 900 to 750
- Last Word now steals a point of intelligence if Silencer gets a killing blow on a hero
This is in addition if the hero died within the AoE. So if you kill a hero you will steal 2 intelligence points, otherwise you will steal 1.
- Amplify Damage armor reduction increased from 5/10/15 to 8/12/16
- Strength growth increased from 1.0 to 1.8
- Intelligence growth increased from 1.6 to 1.9
- Agility growth reduced from 2.0 to 1.5
- Essence Shift now reduces each stat by 1 on attacks (no longer reduces the primary by 2)
- Essence Shift agility bonus reduced from 4 to 3 per attack
- Essence Shift duration increased from 15/30/45/60 to 15/30/60/120
- Essence Shift permanently reduces each stat of a hero Slark kills by 1 and he gains 3 Agi permanently
- Pounce no longer hits non-hero units
- Pounce AoE increased from 85 to 95
- Pounce's speed fixed to be the same at all levels (426269)
Spirit Breaker
- Base HP regeneration increased from 0.25 to 0.75
- Greater Bash now gives a 3 second 15% movement speed bonus whenever you land a bash
- Charge of Darkness Reworked
Old Charge of Darkness:
Takes up to a few seconds to charge up and then starts moving towards his target. Speed is based on how long it charged up for.
Charge time: Up to 4 seconds.
Charge speed: Up to 60%
Stun: 1.4/1.8/2.2/2.6 seconds
1- Gains vision (and truesight) over his target while casting.
2- Becomes magic immunity only when fully charged.
3- Target has a debuff indicator when Barathrum is within 2500 distance.
4- Speed bonus is retained for 2 seconds after impact.
5- Becomes interrupted if the target dies, becomes decrepified or cycloned.
Cooldown: 40
Manacost: 75
Casting Range: Global
New Charge of Darkness:
Immediately charges towards the targeted enemy unit. Ignores pathing completely. Stuns the target when it reaches it.
If the target dies, charge will automatically resume on another nearby visible unit.
While you are charging, all secondary units within 250 AoE of you are hit by a greater bash equal to its level.
Primary Target Stun Duration: 1.4/1.8/2.2/2.6
Speed: 425/500/575/650
Cooldown: 40
Manacost: 75
Casting Range: Global
1- Gains vision in a small area around the target.
2- If target dies, the charge will transfer to the nearest visible enemy unit
3- Stops if you become stunned.
4- Target has a debuff indicator when Barathrum is within 2500 distance.
Stealth Assassin
- Base HP regeneration increased from 0.25 to 0.75
- Blink Strike cooldown rescaled from 30/20/10/5 to 20/15/10/5
- Smoke Screen cast range increased from 350 to 425
- Smoke Screen cooldown decreased from 15 to 13 seconds
- Great Cleave AoE increased from 175 to 200
Tauren Chieftain
- Ancestral Spirit now has a secondary ability that returns the spirit (398706)
Ancestral Spirit Sub-Ability: A21J
- Ancestral Spirit cooldown decreased from 19 to 16
- Ancestral Spirit cast range increased from 1000 to 1200
- Aghanim's Remote Mine cast range decreased from 900 to 700
- Land Mine limit increased from 15 to 20
- Suicide Squad, Attack! now gives Techies XP for kills he gets with it
- Suicide Squad, Attack! cooldown from 75 to 180/170/160/150
- Suicide Squad, Attack! now causes Techies death time to be reduced by 50%
- Detonate All subability of Remote Mine removed
Based on Techie player feedback, it was much more commonly used accidentally than for it's intended purpose . The new focused detonation ability or the group selection detonate fill the role better.
- Movement speed increased from 300 to 310
- Sunder HP limit now applies to yourself
This is an improvement. It will no longer bring you down to the target's HP, it will follow the HP percentage restrictions. The main application of this is when it is used to heal an ally.
- Sunder cooldown rescaled from 200/120/60 to 160/110/60
- Metamorphosis reworked
Transforms to a powerful ranged Demon with illusions.
Attack Range: 550
Base Attack Time: 1.6 (melee is 1.5)
Movement Speed: 300 (melee is 310)
Attack Damage: 20/25/30/35 extra base damage [Illusions benefit from this damage]
Illusion Count: 0/1/1/2
Illusion Outgoing Damage: 0/10/15/20%
Illusion Incoming Damage: 250%
Duration: 30
Cooldown: 70
Manacost: 100
Note: When you transform, you gain selection of the illusions as well.
- Conjure Image replaced with Zeal
Passive. Grants bonus attack speed and HP regeneration.
Attack Speed: 20/30/40/50
HP Regeneration: 2/3/4/5
Note: Attack Speed bonus affects your Metamorphosis illusions
Zeal Ability Code: A275 (replaces Conjure Image)
- Soul Steal replaced with Reflection
Terrorblade brings forth a dark reflection of all enemy units in a small area. Affected units are slowed and attacked by their reflections for 5 seconds.
AoE: 350
Duration: 5 seconds
Slow: 20/25/30/35% (MS & AS)
Reflections Outgoing Damage: 35/45/55/65
Reflections Incoming Damage: 0%
Cast Range: 600
Manacost: 75
Cooldown: 20
Note: Reflections can only attack their source.
Note 2: Reflections are not normal illusions, they aren't clickable or selectable and take no damage. They are faded out visually to the enemy.
Reflection Ability Code: A27A (replaces Soul Steal)
- Anchor Smash reworked
New Anchor Smash:
Spins around, dealing damage and giving a debuff to nearby enemies.
AoE: 400
Damage: 75/125/175/225 (physical damage type)
Attack Damage Reduction: 40%
Duration: 6
Cooldown: 7/6/5/4
Manacost: 30/40/50/60
Anchor Smash Ability Code: A266 (replaces old Anchor Smash)
- Heat Seeking Missile now hits 2 units at all levels
- Tossed allied units no longer take damage (they used to take a portion of the damage)
Troll Warlord
- Cast point reduced by 0.3
- Berserker Rage transformation time removed (was 0.1 sec)
- Blind replaced with Whirling Axes
Inspired by (348120)
Whirling Axes:
Troll is a master of the axe, learning axe skills in all forms of combat. When in melee form, summons magical axes to whirl around him in a circle, damaging enemies and causing them to have a 60% chance to miss attacks. When in ranged form, Troll hurls a fistful of axes in cone formation. Enemy units hit by the axes are slowed by 30%.
Each have their own cooldowns and costs.
Ranged Form:
Slow: 30%
Duration: 3/3.75/4.5/5.25
Range: 900
Travels in a small cone
Cooldown: 20
Manacost: 50
Melee Form:
Miss Rate: 60%
Damage: 125/175/225/275
AoE: 450
Duration: 4/5/6/7 seconds
Cooldown: 12
Manacost: 50
Learn Whirling Axes Ability Code: A21L (replaces Blind)
Ranged Whirling Axes Ability Code: A21M
Melee Whirling Axes Ability Code: A21N
- Ice Shards now kills trees around the area it is created
- Snowball no longer moves faster based on the allies inside of it
It used to move at a rate of 1.5x your speed plus 50% of the speed of all allies. It now only moves at 1.5x your speed. The minimum speed for the snowball is 200.
Ursa Warrior
- Enrage no longer triggers an additional Fury Swipes hit
- Earthshock damage increased from 70/120/170/220 to 90/140/190/240
- Fury Swipes duration increased from 5 to 6 seconds
- Overpower cast time removed
Overpower: A1N4 (code change)
Vengeful Spirit
- Aghanim's Nether Swap can now target creeps (339914)
- Base HP regeneration increased from 0.25 to 0.75
- Corrosive Skin now stacks with Poison Attack
- Base Strength decreased from 25 to 22
- Strength growth increased from 2.2 to 2.4
- Soul Assumption manacost rescaled from 150 to 200/180/160/140
- Familiars HP improved from 300/400/500 to 300/450/600
- Fatal Bonds link count increased from 2/3/4/5 to 3/4/5/6
- Fatal Bonds casting range increased from 600 to 800
- Upheaval cooldown decreased from 65 to 50
- Shackleshot cooldown increased from 10 to 12 seconds
Witch Doctor
- Death Ward is automatically added to your unit selection upon cast (451843)
Issuing a command to the ward will NOT cause your hero to be interrupted
- Arc Lightning cooldown decreased from 2.25 to 2.0
- Arc Lightning manacost improved from 65/72/79/87 to 65/70/75/80
• Added a new hero (Rubick)
- Armor reduced from 4 to 2
- Base HP regeneration increased from 0.25 to 1
- Battle Hunger rescaled from 15/17/25/33 to 15/21/27/33 damage per second
Bane Elemental
- Brain Sap cooldown decreased from 16 to 14
- Fiend's Grip now gives vision of the target
- Enfeeble now reduces attack damage by a constant amount
Old Enfeeble:
Reduces attack damage by 40/60/80/100% of base damage
Manacost: 125
Cooldown: 15
New Enfeeble:
Reduces attack damage by 25/50/75/100
Manacost: 125
Cooldown: 12
Note: Previous was base damage only (it did not reduce bonus damage from items), this reduces total damage by a constant amount.
- Armor reduced by 1
- Greater Hawk's invisibility fade time decreased from 8 to 5 seconds
- Wild Axes now move at similar speed to the max range (so it isn't as slow for short range targeting)
- Added Aghanim's Scepter upgrade
Increases cast range from 600 to 950
Decreases cooldown from 80/75/70 to 45
Primal Roar Aghanim Ability Code: A289
- Bloodbath assist AoE increased from 200 to 225
Bounty Hunter
- Base HP regeneration increased from 0.25 to 0.75
- Jinada cooldown decreased from 15/12/9/6 to 12/10/8/6
- Warpath damage per stack increased from 4/8/12 to 10/15/20
Centaur Warchief
- Movement speed increased from 300 to 305
- Double Edge cooldown decreased from 12 to 10
- Hoof Stomp cooldown decreased from 15 to 13
Chaos Knight
- Base strength increased by 3
- Chaos Bolt damage improved from 1-200 to 1-200/50-225/75-250/100-275
- Chaos Bolt now has a floating text indicator for the damage done
- Test of Faith's secondary ability to teleport units is now a part of Holy Persuasion instead (377809)
Holy Persuasion: A28T
Clockwerk Goblin
- Armor reduced by 1
Crystal Maiden
- Freezing Field level 1 manacost decreased from 300 to 200
Dark Seer
- Wall of Replica illusion damage improved from 70% to 70/80/90%
- Added an Aghanim's Scepter upgrade (and visual effect) (339914)
Creates illusions of allied heroes as well as enemy heroes. Allied illusions deal 50% damage.
Wall of Replica Aghanim Ability Code: A21Q
Doom Bringer
- Doom's duration decreased from 14 to 13 seconds (Aghanim's Doom is still 14)
Dragon Knight
- Breathe Fire damage rescaled from 75/150/225/300 to 90/170/240/300
Drow Ranger
- Previous sight range nerf reverted (from 6.68)
- Echo Slam initial damage reduced from 165/230/285 to 160/210/270
- Aghanim's Impetus range bonus increased from +150 extra to +165
Faceless Void
- Base HP regeneration increased from 0.25 to 0.75
- Aghanim's upgraded Chronosphere cooldown decreased from 75 to 60
- Chronosphere now reveals Invisible units
- Chronosphere cast range improved from 500/550/600 to 600
- Time Walk slow affects all units along his path, instead of just at the destination
- Wrath of Nature bounce count improved from 12/14/16 (14/16/18 w/Scepter) to 16 (18/Scepter)
Guardian Wisp
- Base damage increased from 33-42 to 43-52
- Attack range increased from 525 to 575
- Tether movement speed bonus reduced from 15/20/25/30% to 20%
- Tether stun duration rebalanced from 1/1.25/1.5/1.75 to 0.75/1.25/1.75/2.25
- Spirits Oscillation subabilities no longer interrupt Wisp's movement
- Spirits now circle slightly faster when there are fewer alive
- Spirits no longer slow
- Spirits life duration increased by 3 seconds
- Spirits now spawn over 4 second interval instead of 6
Pull In: A24A
Pull Out: A24B
- Overcharge Reworked
Old Overcharge:
Grants bonus attack speed, drains 2.5% of his current HP and MP per second. If Io is tethered to an ally the bonus attack speed is also granted to that ally.
This is a toggle ability.
Attack Speed: 60/80/100/120
New Overcharge:
Grants bonus attack speed and damage reduction, drains 2.5% of his current HP and MP per second. If Io is tethered to an ally attack speed and damage reduction is also granted to that ally.
This is a toggle ability.
Attack Speed: 40/50/60/70
Damage Reduction: 5/10/15/20% [Reduces damage taken]
Overcharge Ability Code: A28Q (code change)
- Agility growth increased from 2.4 to 2.8
- Rocket Barrage cooldown rescaled from 6.5 to 7/6.5/6/5.5 seconds
- Added an Aghanim's Scepter upgrade (and visual effect)
Call Down now has a global cast range and the second rocket does 75 more damage.
Call Down Aghanim Ability Code: A235
- Burning Spears minimum HP requirement removed (it is still non-lethal)
- Life Break cast mechanism changed
It now has a 600 cast range and causes Huskar to quickly dash forward towards the target. You are magic immune while running forward. If you get interrupted, the dash stops.
- Icarus Dive cooldown decreased from 40 to 30
- Icarus Dive no longer makes Phoenix spell immune. If he is disabled during it, he stops
- Sun Ray no longer slows
- Sun Ray damage from 10/20/30/40 + 5% to 15/30/45/60 + 4%
- Sun Ray turn rate slightly improved
- Fire Spirits now trigger in the area around you and your target when you use Target Fire Spirits
The damage and heal from the two areas do not stack, you are only affected once
- No longer gets interrupted by casting orbs or invoke
Quas: A21W (code change)
Wex: A21X (code change)
Exort: A21V (code change)
Invoke: A21Y (code change)
Invoke Aghanim: A1GU (code change)
- Base damage reduced by 5
- Alacrity can now target mechanical units (1680)
- Alacrity manacost increased from 50 to 100
- Alacrity bonus damage & attack speed decreased from 30->90 to 20->80
- Cold Snap now requires a minimum of 10 damage before it triggers
- Ice Wall no longer affects magic immune units
- The Invoke combinations are now displayed in the ability tooltip
- Fixed some issues with how Invoke tracks your recently casted spells
It now always remembers the latest invoke spell even if it is one you already have. So if you have two and want to keep the oldest one, you can recast it and it will consider it the newest one.
- Macropyre AoE increased from 200 to 225
- Base HP regeneration increased from 0.25 to 0.75
- Blade Dance critical strike chance rescaled from 10/20/25/35% to 15/20/25/35%
- Ghost Ship stun increased from 1 to 1.2 seconds
- Tidebringer cooldown rescaled from 16/12/8/4 to 13/10/7/4
- Base HP regeneration increased from 0.25 to 0.75
- Witchcraft bonuses rescaled to be more straightforward
Old Witchcraft:
- Increases movement speed by 3/6/9/12%
- Decreases Carrion Swarm's mana cost by 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 and cooldown by 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 seconds.
- Decreases Silence's mana cost by 0 / 10 / 20 / 30 and cooldown by 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 seconds.
- Increases the number of level 1 Exorcism spirits by 1 / 2 / 3 / 4.
- Increases the number of level 2 Exorcism spirits by 1 / 3 / 4 / 6.
- Increases the number of level 3 Exorcism spirits by 0 / 2 / 4 / 7.
New Witchcraft:
- Increases movement speed by 3/6/9/12%
- Decreases Carrion Swarm and Silence cooldown by 1/2/3/4 seconds
- Decreases Carrion Swarm and Silence manacost by 10/15/20/25
- Creates 3/4/5/6 extra spirits
- Exorcism rebalanced from 5/10/16 to 4/10/18 spirits (from 9/16/23 to 10/16/24 with Witchcraft)
- Psi Blades width increased from 70 to 80
- Reincarnation now does a 700 AoE 3 second 30% slow around the area where he respawns
- Reincarnation delay decreased from 5/4.5/4 to 3 seconds
- Dark Ritual cooldown rescaled from 30/27/24/21 to 35/30/25/20
Lina Inverse
- Aghanim's Laguna Blade cast range increased from 600 to 900
Lone Druid
- Spirit Bear's Demolish decreased from 60% to 40% bonus damage versus buildings
Lord of Avernus
- Aphotic Shield cast range increased from 350 to 450
- Lunar Blessing rescaled from 8/16/24/32 to 14/20/26/32
- Wolves move speed increased from 400 to 400/420/440/460
- Wolves collision size reduced a bit
- Base attack time improved from 1.45 to 1.35
The hero's attack rate improves the lower the Base Attack Time is, this is a buff.
- Cast point reduced
- Empower cast range increased from 500 to 800
- Skewer's number of enemy units dragged rescaled from 2 to 1/2/3/4
- Added an Aghanim's Scepter upgrade
Creates an extra clone once the item is acquired. Please note that the item is undroppable once the clone is created.
Divided We Stand Aghanim Ability Code: A27C
- Armor reduced by 2
- Replicate now has a visual time (player only) that counts down its duration
- Morph now has a visual effect
Shows one visual effect for transforming agility, and another one for strength. This effect can be seen by both teams.
- Reworked Infest
Old Infest:
Naix infests a target, hiding in it.
Regains health based on the HP the unit has when he gets out of it
Level 1 Targets: Allied and Neutral Units
Level 2/3 Targets: Enemy, Allied and Neutral Units
HP Healed: Current Target HP (for level 1/2), Max Target HP (for level 3)
Cooldown: 100/60/30
Casting Range: 150
Manacost: 50
Note: This kills the infested unit.
New Infest:
Naix infests a target, hiding in it. When he comes out of a unit, he deals damage to all nearby enemy units.
Damage: 150/275/400
AOE: 700
Targets: Allied Heroes, Allied Creeps, Enemy Creeps (including neutrals)
If the unit is an enemy creep, Naix will devour it first, gaining health equal to the unit's current HP.
Cooldown: 100
Casting Range: 150
Manacost: 50
Naga Siren
- Base HP regeneration increased from 0.25 to 0.75
- Nearby Naga Siren illusions now play the Ensnare animation (98895)
Ensnare: A24D (code change)
- Critical Strike replaced with Rip Tide
Rip Tide:
Calls upon the power of the seas, creating an enchanted wave that deals damage and degrades enemy unit's armor for 8 seconds.
Damage: 130/160/190/220
Armor Reduction: 2/3/4/5
Duration: 8
AoE: 350
Distance: 600
Cooldown: 12
Manacost: 80/90/100/110
Rip Tide Ability Code: A23Y (replaces Critical Strike)
- Song of the Siren reworked
Old Song of the Siren:
Sleeps all enemy units in range. Slept units are invulnerable until the end of the spell.
Duration: 6/7/8
AoE: 1000/1500/2000
Cooldown: 120
Manacost: 200
Song of the Siren:
Releases a melody around you the puts enemy units to sleep while they are in your range. Units wake up if you leave the area or the duration of the melody runs out. Slithice can choose to end the melody at any point.
AoE: 750 (units have to be continuously under the song to be slept)
Duration: 6
Cooldown: 180/120/60
Manacost: 100
Note: Ends when duration ends, units go out of range or Naga Siren dies. Affects buildings.
End Song Sub-Ability Code: A24E
- Reaper's Scythe reworked slightly
The HP difference calculation is now processed after the stun duration is over, so any damage you do in between the start of the effect and the end is included in the final damage dealt. The stun duration is now reduced from 1.5 to 1 second.
Nerubian Weaver
- Armor reduced by 1
- The Swarm damage rescaled from 21/24/27/30 to 15/20/25/30
- Hunter in the Night movement bonus rescaled from 15/20/30/35 to 20/25/30/35%
- Hunter in the Night attack speed bonus rescaled from 20/35/55/75 to 30/45/60/75
Obsidian Destroyer
- Intelligence growth increased from 2.8 to 3.3
- Purification cast range increased from 400 to 400/500/600/700
Pandaren Brewmaster
- Drunken Haze duration increased from 7 to 8 seconds
- Primal Split Earth panda now carries the hero's auras around him
If you are carrying Radiance or Assault Cuirass, for example, the area around your panda is affected.
Pit Lord
- Model size slightly reduced
- Cast Point decreased from 0.75 to 0.60
- Dark Rift level 1 can now target units
- Expulsion reworked slightly
- Expulsion AoE now follows you around and is centered on your hero
- Expulsion no longer ministuns
- Expulsion Search AOE increased from 475 to 600
- Expulsion Damage/Heal increased AOE from 375 to 600
- Expulsion now heals allies in the area it damages in (for half the amount 10/20/30/40)
Expulsion Ability Code: A288 (code change)
- Pit of Malice duration decreased from 1.5/2/2.5/3 to 1/1.5/2/2.5
- Pit of Malice now deals 100 damage when it affects a unit
- Pit of Malice now creates 5 corpses in the cast area
- Firestorm reworked
Old Firestorm:
Calls down 6 waves of fire that damage enemy units in an area. Each wave deals initial damage and then burns enemies for 2 seconds.
Number of waves: 6
Damage per wave: 25/40/55/70
DPS: 5/10/15/20 for 2 seconds
Cast Range: 750
AoE: 400
Cooldown: 14
Manacost: 100/110/120/130
New Firestorm:
Calls down 3 waves of fire that damage enemy units and structures in an area.
Number of waves: 3
Damage per wave: 55/80/105/130
DPS: 15 for 3 seconds
Deals 30% damage to buildings
Cast Range: 775
AoE: 450
Cooldown: 16
Manacost: 100/110/120/130
Firestorm Ability Code: A26O (code change)
- Base damage increased by 4
- Waning Rift silence duration rebalanced from 0.1/1/2/3 to 0.75/1.5/2.25/3 seconds (41433)
- Rot damage increased from 25/50/75/100 to 35/60/85/110
Queen of Pain
- Sonic Wave damage rescaled from 290/430/600 to 350/475/600
Sonic Wave: A28R (code change)
Sonic Wave Aghanim: A28S (code change)
- Base damage increased by 5
- Ether Shock target count rescaled from 3/4/6/7 to 1/3/5/7
- Ether Shock damage rescaled from 80/160/240/320 to 140/200/260/320
- Mass Serpent Wards are now automatically added to your unit selection upon cast (411025)
Issuing a command to the wards will NOT cause your hero to be interrupted while you are channeling Shackles.
- Armor reduced by 1
- Nature's Guise now gives the unit a 10% movement speed bonus
- Nature's Guise keeps the target invisible for up to 1 second after leaving the proximity of a tree, except during the initial cast
- Nature's Guise cooldown increased from 3 seconds to 10/8/6/4 seconds
- Overgrowth rebalanced
Old Overgrowth
Summons an overgrowth of damaging vines and branches. Prevents all nearby enemies from moving or attacking and deals damage to each.
Duration: 3/4/5
Cooldown: 160
Damage: 85 per second
AoE: 725
New Overgrowth
Summons an overgrowth of damaging vines and branches. Prevents all nearby enemies from moving or attacking and deals damage to each.
Duration: 3
Cooldown: 100/95/90
Damage: 70/100/130 per second
AoE: 725
- Living Armor Reworked
Living Armor:
Rooftrellen's presence infuses allied heroes and structures with a protective healing aura, increasing armor and regeneration. During the daytime, his power of nature is increased, causing the aura to extend globally.
AoE: 900 (Global during the day)
HP Regeneration: 2/3/4/5
Armor: 1/2/3/4
Living Armor: A26N (replaces old Living Armor)
- Forest Sentinel Replaced with Leech Seed
Leech Seed
Rooftrellen plants a life-sapping seed in his enemy, causing it to be slowed by 24% and have its life force drained over the next 3 seconds. Nearby allied units are healed by the same amount.
Slow: 24%
Damage: 30/45/60/75 per pulse (Magical damage type)
Allied Heal: 30/45/60/75 per pulse
Pulses: 4
AoE: 500
Manacost: 110/120/130/140
Cast Range: 350
Cooldown: 12
Leech Seed Ability Code: A24O (replaces Forest Sentinel)
Sand King
- Armor increased by 1
Shadow Priest
- Poison Touch damage increased from 7/14/21/28 to 8/16/24/32
Shadow Demon
- Disruption manacost increased from 75 to 120
- Disruption cooldown rescaled from 16 to 25/22/19/16
- Disruption illusion duration rescaled from 6 to 5/6/7/8
- Changed Shadow Demon's hero model
This was his original model during development. The previous model will be used for another hero instead.
- Movement speed increased from 290 to 300
- Curse of the Silent cast range decreased from 900 to 800
- Glaives of Wisdom cooldown from 2/0/0/0 to 0
- Last Word is now muted when Silencer is stunned (previously it was only when silenced)
- Last Word no longer triggers on Spell-Attacks (Frost Arrows, Burning Spears, etc)
- Last Word AoE decreased from 900 to 750
- Last Word now steals a point of intelligence if Silencer gets a killing blow on a hero
This is in addition if the hero died within the AoE. So if you kill a hero you will steal 2 intelligence points, otherwise you will steal 1.
- Amplify Damage armor reduction increased from 5/10/15 to 8/12/16
- Strength growth increased from 1.0 to 1.8
- Intelligence growth increased from 1.6 to 1.9
- Agility growth reduced from 2.0 to 1.5
- Essence Shift now reduces each stat by 1 on attacks (no longer reduces the primary by 2)
- Essence Shift agility bonus reduced from 4 to 3 per attack
- Essence Shift duration increased from 15/30/45/60 to 15/30/60/120
- Essence Shift permanently reduces each stat of a hero Slark kills by 1 and he gains 3 Agi permanently
- Pounce no longer hits non-hero units
- Pounce AoE increased from 85 to 95
- Pounce's speed fixed to be the same at all levels (426269)
Spirit Breaker
- Base HP regeneration increased from 0.25 to 0.75
- Greater Bash now gives a 3 second 15% movement speed bonus whenever you land a bash
- Charge of Darkness Reworked
Old Charge of Darkness:
Takes up to a few seconds to charge up and then starts moving towards his target. Speed is based on how long it charged up for.
Charge time: Up to 4 seconds.
Charge speed: Up to 60%
Stun: 1.4/1.8/2.2/2.6 seconds
1- Gains vision (and truesight) over his target while casting.
2- Becomes magic immunity only when fully charged.
3- Target has a debuff indicator when Barathrum is within 2500 distance.
4- Speed bonus is retained for 2 seconds after impact.
5- Becomes interrupted if the target dies, becomes decrepified or cycloned.
Cooldown: 40
Manacost: 75
Casting Range: Global
New Charge of Darkness:
Immediately charges towards the targeted enemy unit. Ignores pathing completely. Stuns the target when it reaches it.
If the target dies, charge will automatically resume on another nearby visible unit.
While you are charging, all secondary units within 250 AoE of you are hit by a greater bash equal to its level.
Primary Target Stun Duration: 1.4/1.8/2.2/2.6
Speed: 425/500/575/650
Cooldown: 40
Manacost: 75
Casting Range: Global
1- Gains vision in a small area around the target.
2- If target dies, the charge will transfer to the nearest visible enemy unit
3- Stops if you become stunned.
4- Target has a debuff indicator when Barathrum is within 2500 distance.
Stealth Assassin
- Base HP regeneration increased from 0.25 to 0.75
- Blink Strike cooldown rescaled from 30/20/10/5 to 20/15/10/5
- Smoke Screen cast range increased from 350 to 425
- Smoke Screen cooldown decreased from 15 to 13 seconds
- Great Cleave AoE increased from 175 to 200
Tauren Chieftain
- Ancestral Spirit now has a secondary ability that returns the spirit (398706)
Ancestral Spirit Sub-Ability: A21J
- Ancestral Spirit cooldown decreased from 19 to 16
- Ancestral Spirit cast range increased from 1000 to 1200
- Aghanim's Remote Mine cast range decreased from 900 to 700
- Land Mine limit increased from 15 to 20
- Suicide Squad, Attack! now gives Techies XP for kills he gets with it
- Suicide Squad, Attack! cooldown from 75 to 180/170/160/150
- Suicide Squad, Attack! now causes Techies death time to be reduced by 50%
- Detonate All subability of Remote Mine removed
Based on Techie player feedback, it was much more commonly used accidentally than for it's intended purpose . The new focused detonation ability or the group selection detonate fill the role better.
- Movement speed increased from 300 to 310
- Sunder HP limit now applies to yourself
This is an improvement. It will no longer bring you down to the target's HP, it will follow the HP percentage restrictions. The main application of this is when it is used to heal an ally.
- Sunder cooldown rescaled from 200/120/60 to 160/110/60
- Metamorphosis reworked
Transforms to a powerful ranged Demon with illusions.
Attack Range: 550
Base Attack Time: 1.6 (melee is 1.5)
Movement Speed: 300 (melee is 310)
Attack Damage: 20/25/30/35 extra base damage [Illusions benefit from this damage]
Illusion Count: 0/1/1/2
Illusion Outgoing Damage: 0/10/15/20%
Illusion Incoming Damage: 250%
Duration: 30
Cooldown: 70
Manacost: 100
Note: When you transform, you gain selection of the illusions as well.
- Conjure Image replaced with Zeal
Passive. Grants bonus attack speed and HP regeneration.
Attack Speed: 20/30/40/50
HP Regeneration: 2/3/4/5
Note: Attack Speed bonus affects your Metamorphosis illusions
Zeal Ability Code: A275 (replaces Conjure Image)
- Soul Steal replaced with Reflection
Terrorblade brings forth a dark reflection of all enemy units in a small area. Affected units are slowed and attacked by their reflections for 5 seconds.
AoE: 350
Duration: 5 seconds
Slow: 20/25/30/35% (MS & AS)
Reflections Outgoing Damage: 35/45/55/65
Reflections Incoming Damage: 0%
Cast Range: 600
Manacost: 75
Cooldown: 20
Note: Reflections can only attack their source.
Note 2: Reflections are not normal illusions, they aren't clickable or selectable and take no damage. They are faded out visually to the enemy.
Reflection Ability Code: A27A (replaces Soul Steal)
- Anchor Smash reworked
New Anchor Smash:
Spins around, dealing damage and giving a debuff to nearby enemies.
AoE: 400
Damage: 75/125/175/225 (physical damage type)
Attack Damage Reduction: 40%
Duration: 6
Cooldown: 7/6/5/4
Manacost: 30/40/50/60
Anchor Smash Ability Code: A266 (replaces old Anchor Smash)
- Heat Seeking Missile now hits 2 units at all levels
- Tossed allied units no longer take damage (they used to take a portion of the damage)
Troll Warlord
- Cast point reduced by 0.3
- Berserker Rage transformation time removed (was 0.1 sec)
- Blind replaced with Whirling Axes
Inspired by (348120)
Whirling Axes:
Troll is a master of the axe, learning axe skills in all forms of combat. When in melee form, summons magical axes to whirl around him in a circle, damaging enemies and causing them to have a 60% chance to miss attacks. When in ranged form, Troll hurls a fistful of axes in cone formation. Enemy units hit by the axes are slowed by 30%.
Each have their own cooldowns and costs.
Ranged Form:
Slow: 30%
Duration: 3/3.75/4.5/5.25
Range: 900
Travels in a small cone
Cooldown: 20
Manacost: 50
Melee Form:
Miss Rate: 60%
Damage: 125/175/225/275
AoE: 450
Duration: 4/5/6/7 seconds
Cooldown: 12
Manacost: 50
Learn Whirling Axes Ability Code: A21L (replaces Blind)
Ranged Whirling Axes Ability Code: A21M
Melee Whirling Axes Ability Code: A21N
- Ice Shards now kills trees around the area it is created
- Snowball no longer moves faster based on the allies inside of it
It used to move at a rate of 1.5x your speed plus 50% of the speed of all allies. It now only moves at 1.5x your speed. The minimum speed for the snowball is 200.
Ursa Warrior
- Enrage no longer triggers an additional Fury Swipes hit
- Earthshock damage increased from 70/120/170/220 to 90/140/190/240
- Fury Swipes duration increased from 5 to 6 seconds
- Overpower cast time removed
Overpower: A1N4 (code change)
Vengeful Spirit
- Aghanim's Nether Swap can now target creeps (339914)
- Base HP regeneration increased from 0.25 to 0.75
- Corrosive Skin now stacks with Poison Attack
- Base Strength decreased from 25 to 22
- Strength growth increased from 2.2 to 2.4
- Soul Assumption manacost rescaled from 150 to 200/180/160/140
- Familiars HP improved from 300/400/500 to 300/450/600
- Fatal Bonds link count increased from 2/3/4/5 to 3/4/5/6
- Fatal Bonds casting range increased from 600 to 800
- Upheaval cooldown decreased from 65 to 50
- Shackleshot cooldown increased from 10 to 12 seconds
Witch Doctor
- Death Ward is automatically added to your unit selection upon cast (451843)
Issuing a command to the ward will NOT cause your hero to be interrupted
- Arc Lightning cooldown decreased from 2.25 to 2.0
- Arc Lightning manacost improved from 65/72/79/87 to 65/70/75/80
• Added a new hero (Rubick)
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