Ragnarok Online heRO Sever
Masih ada yang ingat dengan Ragnarok Online mantan game nomor satu di Indonesia?? Pastinya ingat kawan :D. Kali ini saya akan bahas Ragnarok Online heRO server. Server ini bukan server lokal, tetapi untuk memainkannya tidak butuh koneksi terlalu banyak. cukup modem dapat bermain dengan lancar. Apa kelebihan dibanding dari server lainnya??
Admin sudah test di pada Windows 7 :D
Silahkan Download dan mainkan. Jika belum mengerti silahkan tanyakan.
Silahkan baca aturan http://www.pandoraonline.net/heRO_wiki/index.php?title=Server_rules
General Information
- 5x (Base Exp)
- 5x (Job Exp)
- 3x (Item Drop)
- 2x (Quest Exp)
- Bonus of 5% Exp for each additional member in a share party!
- Regular max levels (99/70 for trans, 99/50 non-trans, etc.)
- Regular max attack speed of 190
- Regular instant cast of 150
- Regular Vending Tax of 2.1%
- Baby character are Small size players (except when mounted on peco)
- Mounted normal classes are considered "Large" while mounted baby classes are considered "Medium"
Technical Specifications
- heRO Server runs on a dedicated computer
- Intel Duo-Core 2 E8400 3 Ghz FSB 1333 Mhz 6 MB cache
- 4 GB of memory DDRII PC 6400
- Professionally hosted at iWeb on one of their ultra fast connection
- eAthena emulator
- Linux Ubuntu OS for stability
- The Patch Server and Control Panel runs on a different server
- Encrypted passwords for your safety
- Backups are made on a regular basis
Baca Juga
Silahkan Download dan mainkan. Jika belum mengerti silahkan tanyakan.
Info Game
Nama : Ragnarok heRO Server
Website,Pendaftaran, Download Game : http://www.hero-server.net/
Control Panel : http://pandoraonline.net/cp/
Forum (Discussion and Info) : http://forum.hero-server.net/
Wiki (Info Penting) : http://www.pandoraonline.net/heRO_wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page
Nama : Ragnarok heRO Server
Website,Pendaftaran, Download Game : http://www.hero-server.net/
Forum (Discussion and Info) : http://forum.hero-server.net/
Wiki (Info Penting) : http://www.pandoraonline.net/heRO_wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page
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