Razer Game Booster 3.5.6 Free
Halo sobat gamers, sebelumnya saya minta maaf karena sudah jarang sekali meng-update blog ini dengan artikel-artikel terbaru karena kesibukan saya. Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan membahas mengenai software pendukung game, yaitu Razer Game Booster.
Apa itu Razer Game Booster? Mungkin diantara kita banyak yang sudah mengerti. Ya, software ini berfungsi untuk memperlancar game atau mengurangi proses yang tidak penting dalam komputer kita sehingga kita lebih leluasa saat bermain game. Pada saat ini, GB ditambah embel-embel nama Razer. saya kurang tahu apakah itu merupakan sponsor, atau entahlah apa namun yang pasti untuk saat ini, versi inilah yang terbaru (3.5.6)
Sebelum menggunakan software ini, komputer harus terkoneksi ke internet karena di awal pemakaian software kita diharuskan mendaftar akun terlebih dahulu. mudah kok, ikuti saja langkah-langkahnya.
Berikut beberapa fitur yang ditawarkan :
- Faster and More Powerful Gaming Experience Enhanced
- The new Razer Game Booster is capable of delivering the best gaming experience to you even if you're on an old PC, with higher FPS and less lags. With a click of a button, Razer Game Booster automatically shuts down other programs, boosting your computer into peak performance.
- Pure Gaming Environment with "Game Desktop" Enhanced
- Razer Game Booster is able to keep only the gaming window on the desktop so that you will not be disturbed by other programs when playing your games.
- New Real-time Screencast for Sharing New!
- Razer Game Booster gives you the ability to record real-time video and audio and capture screenshots. That means you can share favorite gaming moments with friends around the globe, offering your winning strategy, create tutorial or post an epic performance on YouTube.
- Tweaks System for Top Gaming Performance Enhanced
- Tweak tool will automatically analyze your PC and enhance all configurations for you gaming performance.
source http://www.iobit.com/gamebooster.html
- Decreases the Load Time of Your Games Enhanced
- With the enhanced defrag tool, Razer Game Booster will organize your game file folders and keep it organized to run more efficiently.
- Keeps Your Driver Up-to-date Enhanced
- The driver tool will keep your PC up-to-date. Click on "Drivers", for a quick scan of your computer components and see what's outdated and needs to be upgraded.
- Diagnose Your System Weakness
- With Razer Game Booster, you can diagnose your system to see what affect your gaming experience. Reports can be generated and submitted to our forums and one of our experts will provide you the best solutions for top gaming performance.
- Intellectual Boost module
- The configurations in Razer Game Booster have been optimized to be more intellective. You can suggest processes you think unnecessary for games, then it will give you a user recommended configuration based on the votes.
- Detect Games on Steam
- Razer Game Booster is able to detect the games on Steam. And you can simply right click the game icon to start it via Razer Game Booster.
System Requirement :
OS : Windows XP SP3 to Windows 8 (support all 32+64-bit)
1GHz processor or faster
512 MB RAM
80 MB Free hardisk space
Bahasa yang tersedia : English, ChineseSimp, ChineseTrad, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Spanish
DownloadCnet | 20.15 MB | Tested Windows 7 Home Premium 32-bit
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